Customizing Zoo Tycoon (2001)

zoo.ini hacks

All of the hacks below, require editing the zoo.ini file, with the changes mentioned.
Edit the file by right-clicking it and open it with a text editing program like notepad, notepad++ or similar programs.

The file is by default found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon. It's adviceable to take a backup of the file, before you start editing it.

Removing the Blue Fang Studios and Microsoft Games intro videos

  1. Open your zoo.ini file
  2. Scroll to [UI].
  3. Change these lines:
    playMovie=1 to this playMovie=0
    playSecondMovie=1 to this playSecondMovie=0
  4. Save the file.

If you somehow want to watch the movies again, just change back the lines and save the file.

Changing your start economy in freeform games

Want more than $500.000 cash to build your zoo? This is how to do it:

  1. Open your zoo.ini file
  2. Scroll to [ui].
  3. Change minimum and maximum starting cash by editing the value in the following lines:
    The value given must be a whole number
  4. Save the file.

It's worth noting that MSStartingCash will affect the default value the starting cash is set to, and MSCashIncrement is the value increment each time you use the arrow up/down to change the starting cash.

To disable your custom resolution again, simply change the values you've added, into 10000 and 500000 (defaults).

Enabling Dev Mode

Dev Mode enables having everything unlocked when you want it, buying scenery for decorative purposes not normally available to players.

  1. Open your zoo.ini file
  2. Scroll to [advanced].
  3. Then add this line:
  4. Save the file.

Once you've enabled dev mode, you can toggle between normal and dev mode with ctrl+D.
Dev mode takes a little playing around, but it will allow you to buy all items in the game, including those used for decorations outside of your zoo.

To permanently disable dev mode again, simply remove the line you've added.

Getting more than 1000 guests in Zoo Tycoon

By default, Zoo Tycoon is capped at 1000 guests within your zoo. It is however possible to get more guests. In order to get around this limitation, here's a quick guide:

  1. Open your zoo.ini file
  2. Scroll to [ai], or add it at the bottom of the file if it's not there.
  3. Then add this line:
  4. Save the file.

Default is 1000.


There's a lot of custom animals and buildings out there, made by modders. I'll try to keep track of them below, but until i manage to add them all, you'll find a bunch at gamefront.

List of available animals

NameAttractivenessCompatible withSource
Eurasian Roe Deer-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Eurasian Red Deer-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Fallow Deer-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Giant Armadillo-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Addax-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den

List of available marine animals

Marine animals requires to be placed in a tank.

NameAttractivenessCompatible withSource
Vaquita-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Harbour Seal-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Ribbon Seal-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Baiji-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den

List of available prehistoric animals

NameAttractivenessCompatible withSource
Thylacine-Not testedTaz Little ZT Den
Obdurodon-Not testedThylaco's projects